That first day of school. Changing schools. Getting a new teacher. Moving to another town. Falling and breaking an arm. Going to Middle School. Getting into a club or organization where you may not know many people. Trying out for a sports team – getting chosen, not getting chosen. Going to High School. Having a girlfriend or boyfriend – then losing a girlfriend or boyfriend. Having a friend move away. Grandparent dies. Being elected as Class President or Captain of your team. Going to college. Getting a job. Getting married. Having children. Losing a job. Going back to school. Getting another job. Having grandchildren. Retiring.
Life is full of transition! This is a point of transition in my life where I am leaving state service where I have worked for over 31 years and now am planning to concentrate on my private practice. I will officially begin that journey January 6, 2014. It is not without some pain that I make this decision, but it is with great enthusiasm and anticipation (see blog of 12/24/12) that I make this transition – and I do see it more as a transition than “retirement”! The timing finally seems right.
We can fight changes in our life or we can address them with the confidence that no matter our circumstance that we will survive and may even learn something along the way. It largely depends on our attitude. Use your self-worth (see blog of 06/03/12). Consider your situation and make a choice with the knowledge that you can always make another, if things do not go as planned (see blog of 07/04/13). Accepting that not every aspect may be to your liking will go a long way, but count your blessings. You will feel better!
Today is Christmas Day and I write this as I await everyone else in the house to awake. The timing was right for Jesus’ birth and what a transition that was for Mary and Joseph, but more importantly, the world. The impact of His birth continues throughout history bringing peace and goodwill to mankind. The World needed a Savior, He is Christ the Lord. Glory and thanks be to God!