says the Teacher.
“Utterly meaningless!
Everything is meaningless.”
Ecc 1:2
Most of us look for meaning in our lives. This seems to be consistent with existential philosophical thought. When people do sense meaning in their lives (sense that they matter) they tend to do better and be more satisfied with life in general. When we are experiencing times of transition we tend to re-evaluate and re-define what that meaning looks like in the new situation. Depressed? Find what is satisfying and meaningful. Anxious? Find security in the Creator of the Universe. There are too many unexplainable things that go on in the world and trusting God is how I have found to tolerate the uncertainty. God loved us first and chose us, but we are expected/ given the freedom to participate. It is in the participation that benefit and meaning are realized.
We all have a God given ability and responsibility to make choices that have the potential to benefit us (inherent self-worth). The most important choice is for Jesus and all the following choices involve living out the Biblical “commands”/ principles which are designed for our good – beneficial guidance for living. So, whether in self-reflection, mindfulness, sorrow or celebration it is our essence to live in recognition and under the authority of our Creator. The sooner in life we realize this truth the better, but any time is the right time!
How does one pursue happiness/ contentment? In non-judgmental, self-acceptance one uses their self-worth and chooses to engage in satisfying and meaningful activity that will only be fully realized in following Jesus. The most important things in life are spiritual and everything has spiritual significance.
We can wear ourselves out studying and searching for the meaning of life, but the writer of Ecclesiastes has summed it up.
Of making many books there is no end, and much study wearies the body.
Now all has been heard;
here is the conclusion of the matter:
Fear God and keep his commandments,
for this is the duty of all mankind.
Ecc 12:12b-13