This is a great time of the year to connect with those things that really matter and look forward to the new year with expectation and planned effort to make a difference and to survive and overcome whatever may come. As issues arise and they will, don't be surprised - just make adjustments! You know that “flexibility” is a sign of good mental health, right! Let’s all just try to keep things in perspective (no matter the changes we face) and take it one day at a time. Let's persevere and commit ourselves to our own "recovery" (a wellness approach to life that balances family, work, recreation, creative pursuits, etc. with our spiritual focus holding it all together and providinig meaning). I look forward to a New Year and the opportunities it will bring. May we discover the blessings that are waiting for us in it.
If there is anything I can do to assist you, please let me know.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!